Monthly Archive: October 2022

Seward Alaska!

We have arrived in Seward and it is still wet! While touring the city the first day we discover a street that had recently been wiped out by a recent land slide damage. The...

Homer Alaska was a busy place

We did a lot in Homer and most of it was in the rain! Remember the two days of sunshine we had in Denali allowing us the privilege of seeing the mountain twice well...


We are on the road to Denali and the sun is shining and we are optimistic about our odds of actually seeing the mountain. It is common knowledge that to see Mount Denali in...

The last report from Fairbanks

The end of our stay in Fairbanks is getting close, but we still have some things to do. Our first stop is a few miles outside of Fairbanks is a town called North Pole,...

Fairbanks adventures day 2.

We are off and running again this morning with our first stop is at Dredge No.8. This old piece of mining equipment was the ultimate mining tool of a long time ago. But before...