A day at Royal Gorge!

Well here we go again! According to this blog we are still in Colorado but that is not true. We are actually home and hopefully now that we have full time WIFI access I may get the trip caught up.

Our last adventure in Colorado was a visit to Royal Gorge & Bridge Park. The major draws of the gorge is their claim to be the highest suspension bridge and zip line in America as well as a fantastic train ride through the gorge. This area also offers hiking trail as well as rock climbing. We rode a gondola across the gorge and explored the attraction and walked back across the suspension bridge to see even more.

We rode this across the gorge
Then walked across this to return to the car.

We continue to be amazed by the random sightings of wild life and the gorge area provided one of our best experiences with Big Horn Sheep! There was a rather large herd of sheep just wandering through the park and although I have no idea what the hierarchy of the Big Horn Sheep I can only imagine the ram pictured below may have been the leader of the pack.

The boss and his apprentice!
A small portion of the herd.

In addition to the wild life there were Native Americans educating visitors of the lifestyle, a large play area for children, a beer garden, that was not opened and a very informative movie showing the history of the park including how it has rebuilt after being destroyed by a forest fire. The photo below explains what they did with the few planks that were charred on the bridge. I thought I had a photo of the entire wall but I cannot find it heck I even looked on line and didn’t find one.

Finally it was time to head back to the RV so we walked ac ross the gorge and the view is so amazing I can only imagine what it may look like once the fires in California and Oregon are extinguished.

From the bridge looking west.
I am not sure why but there was a Delaware flag on the bridge!
Straight down from the bridge

Once we got to the visitor center we came across a water powered calendar / clock. This huge piece of art displayed the time of day, the day of the month, the name of the month and the actual day of the year it is.

A water powered calendar

Once again we have reached the end of this adventure and some people have asked where Edgar is and to be honest he has spent most of this trip enjoying the AC in the camper. Since we have no idea where he can or can’t go while we are on these adventures as well as it has been way too hot for any dog wearing black fur it is safer to leave him in the coach. However, when possible we do include him in the adventures.

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1 Response

  1. Anne Dilks says:

    Another great description of your wonderful experience. Thank you.