Author: Dan

Las Vegas is our next stop.

What is listed below was started in October of last year and still never got published. The recovery from my back surgery took longer than expected and life got in the way more than...

Death Valley is anything but dead!

We will be spending two weeks in Death Valley at Stove Pipe Wells. We are using one of 12 full hookup RV sites. The great part is, thanks to my “America The Beautiful” park...

Still making memories!

From San Francisco we are heading south with our first stop being at Moro Bay. Although we have been running down the interstate highway Judy decided that we needed to get off and drive...

San Francisco was pretty interesting!

Welcome to San Frisco said nobody as we set up in a RV park in South San Francisco. When one thinks of Frisco there are certain things that come to mind, and we are...

Northern California

Finally, I have decent internet access and no particular place to go. Although we are nowhere near northern California right now it was the next stop in our wonderful journey. The first stop in...

Mt. Ranier and points south!

I guess I have totally lost track of where and when we have been because we were in Olympia WA while touring the Seattle area. While we have been staying at the Riverbend Campground,...

All good things must end!

With an uneventful two days of travel, we have arrived at our final campground in Prince George BC. We will have some quiet time before getting ready for the farewell dinner. To say the...

Nearing the end of a fantastic rally!

Our 63-day adventure is nearing the end, but we still have hundreds of miles to go. Our next adventure will take us to Stewart BC and Hyder AK which is over 700 miles from...

Skagway was interesting!

We are nearing the end of a grand adventure but there is still a long way to go. We are headed to Skagway but along the way we are still looking for unique places...

Seward Alaska!

We have arrived in Seward and it is still wet! While touring the city the first day we discover a street that had recently been wiped out by a recent land slide damage. The...