Author: Dan

Back to Pioneer Creek RV Park

We left Zephyr Hills and returned to the first RV Park we ever came to three years ago. To be honest we came here then because they were the first park that had a...

Where is the time going??

Geeze it feels like only yesterday we arrived here in Zephyrhills and tomorrow we are moving down the road a ways. Only about 90 minutes but we are looking forward to the seeing old...

We Start Exploring the Area

After self quarantining for a few days and getting to know the people in the park we finally started exploring the area. On November 15 the United States returned to the space program with...

Our Third Trip to Florida

We got up on November 3 and after waiting almost 2 hours to vote we came home, hooked up the car to the RV and hit the road. Due to our late start the...

We Got Away For 3 Weeks

Well it took some doing but we managed to get away for some RV rest and relaxation in July. Yeah I know I am late with this news but it has been one of...

Raising Money for MS Research

MS Bike to the Bay 2020 As you have already learned our grand plans to go to Alaska this summer and then possibly spend next fall out west have been cancelled Had we been...

It has been a long time!

For as long as I can remember I have been attracted to Harley Davidson motorcycles and not just any one I have always wanted a full dresser. Not until the early 1990’s did I...

A possible summer project

Sometime this winter I came across a video of some guy trying to get a really old semi truck started and after the first one I have some what got hooked on them. I...

On The Sofa With Edgar

Well I guess we didn’t see this coming when we started this blog in the winter. This was supposed to showcase all of the adventures that Edgar was going to have in the RV...