Catching up with what we have done.

Finally we are home again for a lot longer that we were planning but COVID-19 has changed a lot plans for everyone. When we last made a posting the internet and phone was terrible and it didn’t get any better at our final stop in Chiefland Florida. The phone service was okay but I can’t imagine editing posts for any web site using a cell phone. In no special order I will show what we have done that I have not talked about before.

Judy Drives a Model T

This actually happened before we let Bowling Green but it was the last day so I guess I overlooked it. The gentleman who taught us both how to drive his Model T was so patient and not only did he hold a class he sent us on the road with several magazines and resources to help us when we got home.

While we were in Bowling Green I also got to meet a WWII Veteran who will be 99 years old on May 20. Ray Weber was an army engineer and served in Europe. According to Ray he was fortunate enough that he didn’t land in France until 10 days after the invasion. Ray is a remarkable man and was very active and a very interesting man to talk to. The stories he told were fascinating and I wish I could remember them well enough to retell.

Me sitting with Ray the WWII Vet

We made it to Chiefland to visit my niece and it was nice to see Kim and make the obligatory stops at our favorite eateries. There is a BBQ place called Bubba Ques that although the portions aren’t humongous the quality more than makes up for the smaller portions. Our second favorite place to visit is the Big Deck Bar and Grill in Cedar Key, FL. Of course the name is misleading since the bar only has four stools and only half of the deck has a roof over it but the food is great, the beer is cold, dog are always welcomed to visit the deck and when they have music it has been very good

This is the Mushroom Swiss Burger and it was fantastic

After doing much research on the internet I finally found a trouble shooting flow chart to see if I could find what is wrong with my TV and as luck would have it the last item I looked at was on the roof and of course it was broke. Now it was off the Camping World to get a part and of course the one I had was no longer available so we had to buy a new one. I has been installed and it is working really well.

This is the broken antenna.

Edgar is such a great dog around children but it always amazes me each time he meets a new child. My niece is taking care of a young girl and she just fell in love with Edgar.

Edgar and Miss Jena
This is how tired Edgar was after a day of playing with Miss Jena.

Finally we are on the way home and we stop in Lumberton NC for the night in a Walmart parking lot and it was the largest number of RVs I have ever seen in oen Walmart lot. There had to be at least 15 or more RVs there that evening. After getting settled in we opted to walk to the Chic Fil A for dinner. Of course there was no counter service so we tried to walk through the drive through. I guess I am not heavy enough to ring the bell to get service but eventually the manager came out to take our order. It took only a few minutes to get our food and we walked back to the RV and enjoyed out dinner.

Walking through the Drive Thru

We have already had three of our next five adventures in the RV cancelled so the content may suffer for a while but after this volunteer quarantine is over we will be hitting the road again. Hopefully our big Alaskan trip in July will still be a go but safety and health are more important so keep watching and we will enjoy this together.

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