Finishing up in Duboise

There is a lot to do here but we have to leave soon so here is the final installment. Each Friday evening during the summer the town of Duboise puts on a very fine rodeo. It seamed like people were coming from everywhere and the sense of real America was easy to see and feel. They went out of the way to make it a family evening by starting with a sheep riding contest that any child under the age of 12 who could stay on their sheep long enough to get out of the gate got a silver dollar. The opening ceremony was exceptional and there wasn’t a person kneeling anywhere when the Flag was paraded past.

Everyone was standing!
The lady barrel racers were close enough to get some pretty good photos.
Best of the saddle broncs I could get.
I had a really good shot until the little blond haired boy stood up right in front of me. Guess the camera autofocused on his head that quickly.

We will be leaving in a day or so but plan on taking it easy for a while just to catch our breath. On Saturday the local historical society had function that we walked around and supported by buying lunch. The most interesting exhibit that they had was a pioneer cabin the way it may have been in the mid to late 1800’s. Since I only took two photos I am not sure where they slept. Possibly it was two rooms but I am not sure. Any way it was definitely cozy.

The other side.
One side of the cabin

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1 Response

  1. Carol says:

    Another wonderful blog. Nice job there, Danny. I have enjoyed these immensely.