I got to meet a horse!

Since Edgar doesn’t have thumbs it would be really difficult for him to type this but the story is about his adventure.

It happened about 3 weeks ago and it wasn’t that big of a deal except Edgar has never met a horse. I might add it wasn’t just any horse but it was a breeding mare in the Herrmann Lipizzans training barn. This center is not too far from where we are camping and they actually offer shows and encourage you to bring your dog with you. Since Edgar had never been around a horse we couldn’t pass it up.

Edgar can’t figure out this funny dog.

In case you have never heard of Herrmanns Lipizzans these are the fancy white horses that do all of the jumps and some of the horses used today may be descendants of those horses rescued by General George Patton during the second world war.

The facility is located at 32755 Singletary Rd, Myakka City, FL 34251 and it took us about an hour to drive there and after paying $5.00 per person donation we were invited to tour the grounds including the stables prior to watching the show, explaining how the horses are trained. It turned out that they use carrots and sugar cubes to train these beautiful animals. In the show today we got to see three generations riding several different horses the youngest of the three was only 11 years old but she could really ride. Edgar was extremely well behaved in all of the barns but once the show started it was a slightly different story. Anyone who knows Edgar knows how protective he is around children and other animals and horses were no different. He thought that they were hurting the horses by riding them so I had to walk him a little distance away from the arena but close enough that he could actually see the show and as time went by he became a lot calmer and although we didn’t get right up close by the end of the show he was much more comfortable with what was going on. The training shows are offered Thursday, Friday and Saturday but only in the spring. Better check their Facebook page or web site for actual hours. https://www.facebook.com/HerrmannsRoyalLipizzanStallions

This was the final review of the day.

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3 Responses

  1. terry parker says:

    Very cool

  2. Anne Dilks says:

    That is really nice. Mandee has only met an Amish family horse tied to the post with the carriage, Mandee was quite skidish, since we had just gotten out of the car coming home from Annette’s.