It has been a while since I last wrote!

We spent the entire winter in Florida and didn’t do much of anything. We did get to catch up with friends from previous years and got to wish Ray Webber happy birthday a few months early! Not that unusual except Ray will be 101 years young this May.

Ray Webber and me watching Bocce, he looks pretty good for almost 101 YO

Although we didn’t get out and see much I did get to tour one specific hospital for a rather serious condition. I really didn’t know just how sick I was until the got around to fixing me. My PCP suggested that I get a stress test after I complained about some “Heartburn” while I was riding my bicycle. I scheduled the test, sent the results to my PCP who suggested rather strongly that I see a Cardiologist. The Cardiologist strongly suggested that I have a heart catheterization as soon as possible. However my insurance company strongly denied me the needed test so I resolved to take a wait and see attitude. The first day after exhausting all possible avenues to appeal I experienced the worst chest pains yet and a headache! Once I returned to the RV took a nap and felt rather well when I woke up. After dinner I took Edgar for a walk and by the time I returned I knew that I was experiencing something new so Judy and I were going to the ER!

If you are ever in the Bartow, FL area the Bartow Medical Center is one of the best facilities I have ever been in. This all took place starting on Feb.22, 2022 and only a few days after that I could not believe how much better I was feeling. According to my research if the LAD is blocked at the entry point it is called the “Widow Maker” fortunately for me mine was blocked midway down which is possibly the only reason I am alive today. Well since dodging any heart attack and getting the blockage repaired, I have been given a new lease on life.

Mid LAD is the location of the Stent

We did manage to visit a place called Silver Springs where we took a tour in a Glass Bottom Boat. The spring is one of the places that the fresh water under the ground comes to the surface and it is so clear one could see all the way to the bottom. There was a Manatee resting in the spring and our boat driver went right over it. That is one advantage of a battery powered boat. Upon arriving back at the dock where we started our tour guide informed us that the water in the lagoon was not there when we left. The spring flows at such a rate, approximately five MPH, that all of the water in the basin is completely replaced about each forty minutes. Another interesting story was that almost all of the Tarzan movies starring Johnny Weissmuller were filmed here.

After visiting a few other places. we arrived back in DE to some of the coldest weather we have experienced in a few months! We will now focus our efforts visiting friends, family and getting ready to hit the road again. Finally, we are going to Alaska this summer. Hopefully there will be enough internet service to allow me to keep this page going.

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1 Response

  1. Jonni J Kettman says:

    So glad you recovered the scary medical experience. Glad you weren’t in Alaska…Florida has wonderful facilities for sure. Anxious to share your 2022 travels. Jonni from Ponriac, il.