It wasn’t a great week!

The reception is pretty good but it still stinks!

Some of you from Blue Parrot and the village may remember that Edgar had a growth appear on his leg and we got him to the Vet in the Villages almost right away. They inspected it and did a biopsy which came back as a benign cyst or tumor. They said that it was ok to take a wait and see attitude until we got back to Delaware. We took him to Nonantum Veterinary Hospital and we were told to wait a little longer but try to stop Him from licking it. Needless to say he hates the “Cone of Shame” so we have tried putting a bandage on it and it appears to be working. It has been almost a week and it looks like it is shrinking. Keep Edgar and us in you prayers that he will recover and that we will not get the Coronavirus.

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