On The Sofa With Edgar

Well I guess we didn’t see this coming when we started this blog in the winter. This was supposed to showcase all of the adventures that Edgar was going to have in the RV this summer. So far 4 of our 6 planned trips have been cancelled and right now we are not sure that we are even going to get to go to Alaska.

We did make it home from Florida and started our obligatory two weeks of self quarantine but near the end of those two week I got sick. Just a really bad sore throat and a great amount of congestion. One day I had a fever of 100.7 but it went away in less than 24 hours. I called my physician and described my symptoms and she didn’t appear too concerned about it. Only when I mentioned that Judy had lost her sense of taste the alarms went off and the doctor wanted me to get a Covid-19 test and yes it came back positive. By the time the test results were back I had been fever free for a week and I was not having any trouble breathing so I guess I got enough to test positive but not enough to cause any major problems. I have to stay quarantined for a few more day but I am certain that we are on the road to recovery. Finally got the okay to rejoin the living world and still don’t have anywhere to go.

So today was the day that we officially were notified that our Alaskan RV trip has been cancelled. It was bad enough that all of our shorter trips that we had scheduled was cancelled but now the big reason that we started this travel blog about is not going to happen until next year. Oh well the Canadian border is still closed and the Calgary Stampede Rodeo has been cancelled so I guess it was the best call to cancel. So who knows what might happen to take the place I am not sure but something has to break sometime soon. So from our comfy spot on the sofa with Edgar stay tuned until the next exciting post.

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