Skagway was interesting!

We are nearing the end of a grand adventure but there is still a long way to go. We are headed to Skagway but along the way we are still looking for unique places or things to do. I guess coming upon the smallest dessert in the world is unique. The Carcross Desert is technically not a desert because there is too much annual rainfall instead, it is actually a grouping of sand dunes. In total area it is about one square mile and I have to admit it was pretty interesting.

Checking out the Carcross Desert!

Judy has been cleared to join the tour but I am still dealing with a head cold so I will lay low for a few more days. The biggest tour while we are in Skagway is a whole day of exploring Juneau and the surrounding waters. If they are lucky, they will get to see a large selection of sea life as well as possibly seeing a glacier calve. Meanwhile I have a minor repair to make and several videos to watch. Of course, Edgar will need to go out several times so my day will be busy too! I saved this photo of a humpback whale which was seen on the boat trip from Facebook. I am not sure who posted it.

One phenomenon that we have been looking for since entering Alaska is the chance to see the Aroura Borealis, also known as the Northern Lights. On other occasions we have tried with no luck, but the night of September 3rd was extremely rewarding! About 10:00 PM we gathered outside our RV’s and to our amazement we started to notice some interesting lights in the sky. To the naked eye it was not that easy to see them but when taking time exposed photos, the results was great! My Samsung S-20 camera has a night setting that adjusts the shutter speed automatically. We stood outside until close to midnight before calling it a night. Although we got to see the lights, I am sure we could be talked into going to Iceland some winter to witness them again.

The next day we are scheduled to ride the White Pass & Yukon Route Railroad from Skagway into the Canadian Rockies through White Pass. Starting at sea level we boarded the train and traveled to an altitude of almost 3000 feet. The scenery was beautiful and for a change it wasn’t raining!

The train ride to the top and back

Before the train ride we had a chance to tour the town of Skagway and according to our tour guides there used to be a lot more before Covid shut everything down. There were the typical stores selling clothes and jewelry as well as a few eateries. Judy and I found a really good place for Pizza last night and today we found a great watering hole called the Red Onion with another couple from our group. After lunch we all enjoyed Reindeer Farts and Duck Farts.

Tossing down a Reindeer Fart.

While walking around town we happened upon an interesting piece of art. It was a prospector who appeared to be lamenting his bad luck to his dog. Feeling sorry for him I tried to convince him that things would improve. I don’t think I had much luck. We also spied some interesting construction and also later that night we attend a Vaudeville show.

It will be alright!
Building was sided with sticks
A scene from the show

Our next move takes us to Stewart BC which is just across the border from Hyder AK. This will be our next to last stop on the tour.

Real time update: tomorrow, November 4 we will be moving to Stovepipe Wells California which is smack dab in the middle of Death Valley. We will be there for two weeks, and we have been warned that cell and internet service is lacking at best and nonexistent at worst. Maybe I will get something written but I am not betting on it. Feel free to share this post with friends and be sure to subscribe to get notified when I get a chance to post more.

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1 Response

  1. Anne Dilks says:

    Great pictures Danny. Thank you for the monolog. Always interesting.