The Road to Frost Bite

Sometimes it is the trip and not the destination but today was not one of those. We were just sitting here this morning wanting to go somewhere and we decided that we had never been to Frostproof, Florida so off we went. The roads were nice and the weather was a lot better than yesterday yet when we finally got to Frostproof it appeared to be closed for the day, yes we did find a nice fishing pier going out into Reedy Lake and we rode along Lake Clinch that had most of its western shore designated as park with several covered picnic areas and some spots that had sandy beach. But the find of the day was this fifties style burger joint called Frost Bite. Although it was extremely busy there was no wait to get seated and our server was there in a flash. After reading all of the selections on the full menu including beer I opted for a cheese burger with all the toppings except onions and Judy had a cheese burger wrap while we shared an order of fries. Although we didn’t need anything else we both had a small serving of ice cream. Mine was called Mackinac Moose Tracks and Judy had Stellar Coffee. Suffice to say if we are ever in the area again we will not hesitate to stop at Frost Bite!

One side of the Frost Bite eatery.

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