We are going to Salt Lake City!

Our next stop will be Salt Lake City for a few days and we are not sure what to expect since the day time highs have been running around 100 degrees or higher. We are going from a small campground out is the country to a very large KOA very near the airport. Oh well it is only for a few days. Of course Salt Lake City is the main headquarter for the Mormon Church and it is probably the most visited place in the city. I had been there before and vaguely remember what it was like but I was not prepared for the major construction that was going on. The explanation that we got was that the foundation of the tabernacle was so unstable that just about any shift could possibly cause the entire building to collapse. The visitor center was open but due to covid-19 restrictions some of the areas were not available. We did get to see the main assembly hall which is largest non sport auditorium in the world. Due to the cantilever design there isn’t a bad seat in the room. During our tour of the area it became obvious that the Mormon Church is a very good customer for pipe organs!

Another thing that Salt Lake City is known for is the Bonneville Salt Flats where almost every world speed record has been set. It is amazing how vast the salt flats are. In fact there is a rest stop on the interstate that actually allows one to drive out on it. So of course we had to drive onto the salt. We drove quiet a distance onto the salt and much like driving on thin ice it is possible to hit spots that one can get stuck in. Thankfully we didn’t get stuck, but Judy had to gather up some salt to take home with us. After that we drove around to the actual salt flats to see what it looked like. When we drove out of the rest stop the salt was very rough but once we got around to the race way it was very smooth it was. While we were at the race way we ran across a very strange scene; it was a guy sitting out in the middle of the flats surrounded by stuff!. This was so bazar that we stopped to ask what he was doing. It turns out they were filming a music video for some artist named Krish. I have never heard of him but if you know who he is let me know. The tech told us it may be ready on YouTube sometime early September. I will try to find it and hopefully will be able to add a link sometime later.

It was there so we sat down
to take a break!

Since we were so close to Nevada border we had to go the distance and see what was there. We found a small town that had a very large casino and we stopped for lunch. By actually spending money in a state we will count it as one of the states visited on this trip.

Wendover Will welcomed us to Nevada.

On the way back to Salt Lake City we actually stopped and walked to the actual lake. It was hot and it was a very long stinky walk but worth it. I doubt that I will ever see anything like this again.

Our car is about a half mile away behind that big building!
The water was shimmering and rippling in the sun.
Look at all the salt that has been thrown up into the wheel wells. I can only hope that we get all of the salt out of the nooks and crannies.

If any of you are followers of the Motor Trend Channel you are aware of a TV show called “Bitchin’ Rides” which is filmed in Salt Lake City at a business called Kendig It Designs. Having seen several seasons of this show we had to stop by the shop just to take a look. Of course the day we were there none of the major parties were but it was still nice to see where it all takes place. The employee in the reception area told us that for each one hour show the camera crew usually shoots about one thousand hours of video.

Two trucks on display at the Kendig It Design showroom.

We have to get back to the campground and get ready to move on to our next adventure. Each day has been so interesting!

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