What a trip it could have been and next year may be!

Today we should be sitting in Great Falls Montana getting ready to start our 63 day Alaskan RV adventure but we now have to wait one year and and a week to begin. Travelling from the sofa to the other rooms of the house is getting old. I have not posted too many pages but hopefully something will break loose here in the near future. Right now we are trying to get maintenance done on the coach and we have a week reserved in Chincoteague, VA the last of July into August. If things aren’t too crazy we may go over into the southwestern corner of VA to visit some long lost relatives.

I guess I should give some updates on the health of Edgar and the rest of us. Edgar has recovered from his huge cyst and unfortunately in early April we both had the coronavirus. Neither of us got deathly sick but I got tested and it came back positive. Since Judy got sick a couple days before me her doctor told her to follow my instructions and when I was clear to rejoin civilization she could too. About four weeks ago Judy got tested for the resulting antibody and it came back positive. I am of the opinion that this virus is way more prevalent than reported and possibly not quiet as deadly.

So what are our few followers doing to stay sane this summer? If you have been doing anything exciting write us a comment. Guess writing a travel blog would be a lot easier if one was actually travelling. Oh well I will be a real pro at this by the time we actually get to take our adventure. One last question has anyone ever wintered in Arizona or New Mexico in an RV? Let us know what you liked or didn’t like. Thanks Edgar, Judy and Dan.

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