Where is the time going??

Geeze it feels like only yesterday we arrived here in Zephyrhills and tomorrow we are moving down the road a ways. Only about 90 minutes but we are looking forward to the seeing old friends. What have we been since arriving? That is a great question! you have already read about the rocket launch and on top of that we have explored St. Petersburg one day where we saw some great beach front property, had a terrific sea food dinner right on the water and explored a recently opened pier which has so much to offer. There were vendors, art work, music, play park area for children and more dining and drinking for the adults.

Judy and Edgar at a beach, well as close as we dared to get since dogs were not allowed on the sand.
Our view at dinner it was so close to the water that we emptied our pockets on the water side. Had anything fallen out it would have been gone forever.

Our next adventure was to Tarpon Springs which is the Sponge capitol of Florida. Its history goes back to the sponge divers who immigrated from Greece to the area and the culture has taken over the area. One of the interesting things I learned was that the sponge is alive when it is harvested and after a good bit of work cleaning it the part that we call a sponge is actually the skeleton of the living organism that was gathered. I believe that there are five different types of sponge that live in the waters off the coast of Tarpon Springs .

A tribute to the old style of sponge diver .
A display of a few different varieties of sponges.

Just before Christmas we went to see a Christmas light exhibit at a county fair ground near here and it was pretty good. You drove through the lights and at the end you could park and walk through a Christmas Village which had vendors selling a sorts of items there was a Wolf Show that was set up to educate you about wolves and their habitat. They had camels and other exotic mammals, a small circus act that was pretty interesting, we also bought one of the best funnel cakes I have ever eaten and trust me I have enjoyed way too many funnel cakes. However the most outstanding part of the village was their Santa Clause display and for something set up in a temporary site it was pretty impressive.

This was the Santa display and my photo is not the good.
Here are the Camels
This display was one of the last as you left the park.

It has been fun this year in spite of all that has been going on and we are being careful and aware of our surroundings so hopefully we will have more adventures to write about later. It is tough writing something like this without a reliable internet connection. Happy New Year to all of you.

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1 Response

  1. Anne Dilks says:

    What? No bakula in Tarpon Springs? The bakery & restaurant have fantastic food. Sounds like you are having a good time.